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Securecrt Ssh Login Script

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Nov 01, 2006 If you do a lot of work with SSH servers through an SSH client, it's extremely annoying to get timed out all the time by the server. There's a simple way to fix this problem in SecureCRT. First, navigate to Options Session Options on the menu: Now click on the Terminal tree item, and select the 'Send Protocol NO-OP' checkbox. Sample scripts SecureCrt. Download securecrt.tlb type library. Automates setting the DISPLAY shell variable to enable remote display of X clients. Automates setting the LINES and COLUMNS shell variables for terminal environments where these variables are not set properly. Connect using the telnet protocol and automate login. Dec 03, 2014 Solution: you can get the info from Spiceworks or you can use putty (plink).path to putty plink.exe -ssh user@x.x.x.x -pw psss Hi All, I am looking for SSH script to be able to login automatically to all switches from the list, send command ie: show vlan 1 and return results to a file The reason I need. AFTER connecting and logging into a device with SecureCRT, go to the Scripts menu and select 'Run' Choose the script you want to run (that starts with ‘s') The script looks for your settings.ini file. If this file doesn't exist (and it won't the first time you run one of these scripts) the script will create the file.

This is quite a common task for Linux system administrators, when it is needed to execute some command or a local Bash script from a one Linux workstation or a server on another remote Linux machine over SSH.

In this article you will find the examples of how to execute a remote command, multiple commands or a Bash script over SSH between remote Linux hosts and get back the output (result).

This information will be especially useful for ones, who want to create a Bash script that will be hosted locally on a one Linux machine but would be executed remotely on the other hosts over SSH.


Cool Tip: Connect to a remote SSH server without typing a password! Configure a passwordless authentication! Only 3 easy steps! Read more →

SSH: Execute Remote Command

Execute a remote command on a host over SSH:


Get the uptime of the remote server:

Reboot the remote server:

SSH: Run Multiple Remote Commands

In the most cases it is not enough to send only one remote command over SSH.

Much more often it is required to send multiple commands on a remote server, for example, to collect some data for inventory and get back the result.

There are a lot of different ways of how it can be done, but i will show the most popular of them.

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Run multiple command on a remote host over SSH:

– or –

– or –

Cool Tip: SSH login is too slow? This can be fixed easily! Get rid of delay during authentication! Read more →


Get the uptime and the disk usage:

Get the memory usage and the load average:

Show the kernel version, number of CPUs and the total RAM:

SSH: Run Bash Script on Remote Server

Securecrt Script Commands

The equally common situation, when there is some Bash script on a Linux machine and it needs to connect from it over SSH to another Linux machine and run this script there.

The idea is to connect to a remote Linux server over SSH, let the script do the required operations and return back to local, without need not to upload this script to a remote server. Download ost to pst converter freeware download.

Certainly this can be done and moreover quite easily.

Cool Tip: Want to ROCK? Start a GUI (graphical) application on a remote Linux workstation over SSH! Read more →


Execute the local on the remote server:

Connection/ Logon Actions

The Logon Actions category of the Session Optionsdialog allows you to run scripts to automate logging on to a remote machineand perform other functions.

Automate logon

Check this option to create a simple script to automate logging on toa remote machine. Use the Expect and Sendfields to enter the character strings that SecureCRT shouldexpect to receive from the remote machine and should send as its response.If you want SecureCRT to send a carriage return before runninga script, check the Send initial carriage return option.

Securecrt Ssh Login Script Admin

Send initial carriage return

Check this option if you want SecureCRT to send a carriagereturn to the remote machine before starting the automated logon script.Some systems will not display a logon prompt until receiving a carriagereturn.

Expect / Send

In the Expect entry boxes, enter the character stringsthat SecureCRT should expect to receive from the remote machinein the order that they should be received. In the associated Sendentry boxes, enter the strings that you want SecureCRT tosend in response when it receives the Expectstring. For a list of function key commands that can be included in Sendstrings, see Send String and Function KeyCommands.

Note:SecureCRTworks through the Expect strings from top to bottom;in other words, if SecureCRT does not receive the first expectedstring, it will not send the associated Send string orlisten for the next expected string.

Example script:

Ssh Login Command

The following is an example script that will instructSecureCRT to listen for the logon prompt 'Logon>'and respond with the username 'johnsmith' whenthe prompt is received. SecureCRT will then listen for 'Password>'and respond to it with 'way2easy'. Finally, SecureCRTwill listen for the string 'Welcome' and respondwith the directory request 'dir'.













Securecrt Ssh Login Script Pastebin


Check this box to have the Send string shown as asterisks.This option lets you avoid displaying confidential information such asa password.

Logon script

Check this option to select a script file that you want SecureCRT torun when it makes a connection A data path or circuit between two computers over a phone line, network cable, or other means. .

Note: If theAutomate logon option is alsoselected, it will be executed first.

Remote command

Enter the command that you want SecureCRT to instruct theremote machine to run when a connection A data path or circuit between two computers over a phone line, network cable, or other made.

Note: Theremote command is the only command that the session will run. Once thecommand exits, the session will disconnect.

Display logon prompts in terminal window

Ssh In Script

Check this option to have SecureCRT display logon prompts in the terminalwindow.

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